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  • Jacob Davis

Day 28 - Water

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

For day 28 the word was "Water", so naturally I knew I wanted to use the small pond that I'd recently fitted in the garden. I also knew that I wanted to capture some form of disruption in the water, such as ripples. And ripples was where I started, but after some experimentation with different methods: such as using my hand, a watering can and a garden hose; I found that I much preferred the bubbly effect that one of the settings on the hose produced. This is in part because I could much more reliably achieve this effect, but also in part because I simply found the mass of bubbles clumped together, as well as the underwater swell, to be more interesting and appealing.

And to finalise my images, I applied a cold colour haze to give them that blue water aesthetic.

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